14 November, 2012

Media Release - New Committee




Mέσα σε μια ατμόσφαιρα γεμάτη ενθουσιασμό, έλαβε χώρα η πρώτη Συνεδρίαση του Νέου Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου της Ενορίας / Κοινότητος των ΑΓΊΩΝ ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΩΝ της πόλεως Newcastle, στην οποίαν συμμετείχε, και υπό τον κ. Θεόδωρο Σουρή Εφορευτική Επιτροπή, παρουσία του Ιερατικώς Προϊσταμένου π. Νικόλάου Σκορδίλη.
Για δεύτερη φορά, μετά την Εκλογή στην Διοίκηση της Κοινότητος από νέους και νέες της Νέας Γενιάς το 2010, και αυτό το νέο Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο, απαρτίζεται στην συντριπτική πλειοψηφία του επίσης από νέους και νέες της Παροικίας μας, δίδοντας έτσι και πάλι ελπίδες σε όλους τους Συμπάροικους, ότι το πολύτιμο και πολύπλευρο έργο και η έντονη παρουσία της Ενορίας / Κοινότητος θα συνεχίζονται, προσφέροντας συγχρόνως σε όλους την θαλπωρή και στοργή που για τόσα χρόνια απρόσκοπτα προσφέρει. Η ικανοποίηση με την οποίαν δέχονται οι Ομογενείς και αυτή την φορά την ανάθεση αυτού του τόσο υπεύθυνου και δύσκολου έργου στους νέους μας, δείχνει συγχρόνως και την εμπιστοσύνην με την οποίαν όλοι, θα περιβάλλουν και αυτό το Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο, το οποίον θα διοικήσει την Ενορία/Κοινότητα για τα επόμενα δύο χρόνια.
Η έκπληξη της βραδυάς ήταν η απόφαση του κ. Φώτη Μαρκεζίνη, Προέδρου της Ενορίας/Κοινότητος, ο οποίος αφού έδήλωσε για μιά ακόμη φορά την πλήρη αφοσίωση του στην Εκκλησία και το έργο της, και την παραμονή του στο Διοικητικό Συμβοιύλιο και για την επόμενη διετία, πρότεινε άλλον στη θέση του Προέδρου, λέγοντας ότι υπάρχουν και άλλοι ικανοί νέοι να ηγηθούν του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου και να αναλάβουν την τόσο υπέυθυνη και άκρως τιμητική θέση του Προέδρου. Ο π. Νικόλαος, αφού εξέφρασε στον κ. Μαρκεζίνη τα θερμά του συγχαρητήρια και τις ευχαριστίες του για την πολύτιμη πράγματι παρουσία του στην Προεδρία τα περασμένα δύο χρόνια, δεν έκρυψε την έκπληξη του και συνάμα δήλωσε οτι ο κ. Μαρκεζίνης, οπωσδήποτε δικαιούται μιά θέση στο “Βιβλίο των Επιτευγμάτων” το γνωστό Guinness World Book of Records. Μέχρι σήμερα είπε, οι Κοινοτάρχες μας δεν μας έχουν συνηθήσει σε τέτοιου είδους χειρονομίες. Είναι πολύ δύσκολο άν όχι αδύνατο συνέχισε, να παραδίδει κανείς την Καρέκλα της Εξουσίας, και μάλιστα σε καιρό που δεν του το ζητά κανείς. Αμέσως κατόπιν και με ψήφους κανονικούς εξελέγησαν οι Αξιωματούχοι, και η νέα μορφή του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου για την ερχόμενοι διετίαν 2012 – 2014, εχει ως ακολούθως: 

Πρόεδρος - Απόστολος ΜΥΛΩΝΑΣ 
Αντιπρόεδρος - Σπύρος ΣΤΥΒΑΚΤΑΣ 
Ταμίας - Σάββας ΤΣΟΛΑΚΗΣ 
Βοηθός Ταμίας - κα Αγγελική ΑΛΟΥΠΗ 
Γραμματέας - κα Λουϊζα ΠΕΤΡΙΔΗ 
Βοηθός Γραμματέας - κα Νεκταρία ΣΚΟΡΔΙΛΗ / ΒΕΤΗΑΜ 
Συντονιστής Υπηρεσιών & Προγραμμάτων - Χριστόφορος ΚΕΝΤΡΟΣ 

ΜΕΛΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΤΙΚΟΥ ΣΥΜΒΟΥΛΙΟΥ (κατ΄ αλφαβητική σειρα) 

Φώτης ΜΑΡΚΕΖΙΝΗΣ - Σάββας ΜΑΡΟΥΛΗΣ - Κωνσταντινος ΞΕΝΑΚΗΣ 
Δημήτρης ΣΠΥΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ και η κα Ευαγγελία ΤΣΟΛΑΚΗ. 

Μετά την Εκλογή των Αξιωματούχων, ο π. Νικόλαος ευχήθηκε σε όλους καλή συνεργασία, τους υπενθύμισε ότι η Εκκλησία αλλά και η Παροικία περιμένει πολλά από όλους τους, και τους υποσχέθηκε και την ιδική του ολόψυχη συμπαράσταση και βοήθεια. Τόσον ο απερχόμενος Πρόεδρος κ. Μαρκεζίνης όσον και ο νεοεκλεγείς κ. Μυλωνάς, δήλωσαν ότι θα προσφέρουν τον καλύτερο εαυτό τους για την πρόοδο της Ενορίας και Κοινότητος και γενικότερα την πρόοδο της Ομογένειας στην περιοχή. Μετά το πέρας της Συνεδριάσεως, άπαντες παρέμειναν στην Αίθουσα Τελετων, γνωστή και ως Κοινοτικό Μέγαρον, στην μικρή Δεξίωση που ακολούθησε κατα την οποίαν αντηλλάγησαν ευχές και διαβεβαιώσεις συνεργασίας. 
Ο Ιερατικώς Προϊστάμενος, το Νέο Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο και η Εφορευτική Επιτροπή 
σε μια αναμνηστική φωτογραφία τη βραδυά της πρώτης τους συνάντησις. 

Ο απερχόμενος πρόεδρος κ. Φώτης Μαρκεζίνης (δεξιά) 
και ο νεοεκλεγείς κ. Απόστολος Μυλωνας 
πλαισιώνουν τον π. Νικόλαο σε ένα ακόμη αναμνηστικό στιγμιότυπο. 

Ομάδα μικρών Μαθητών του Ελληνικού Σχολείου με τις Διδασκάλισσες κα Νεκταρία Πανά και κα Μαίρη Καλλίγερου κατά τις Εκδηλώσεις της Εθνικής Εορτής της 28ης Οκτωβρίου
Η Δασκάλα Χορού του Ελληνικού Σχολείου Δεσποινίς Αγγελική Μπίνου 
με τους μικρούς μαθητάς της Κατερίνα και Γιώργο κατά την Σχολική Εορτή της 28ης Οκτωβρίου

15 June, 2012

Trying to raise a Christian family? Read the account of a Massachusetts father! Let us all Speak Up for Marriage now!

Since having established this webpage a few have responded arguing that legalising homosexual marriage will not impact on anyone in any way. They claim that faith-based communities have nothing to fear, and no one will be forced to embrace their lifestyle, and things will simply go on as normal.
At first I thought, ‘perhaps this is the truth’, but then someone asked me to read what this concerned Massachusetts father has to say about how the public schools have been impacted. I provide some of his account below.

23 May, 2012

19 May, 2012

Mothers Day 2012 photos

On Sunday, 13th of May 2012, we once again were graced by the presence of 
His Grace Bishop Seraphim.
His Grace visited our Parish on behalf of His Eminence, Archbishop STYLIANOS, Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church in Australia.

14 April, 2012

Greek Easter in Chios

Easter on the small Greek island of Chios means one thing - a massive firework battle, with over 50,000 rockets raining down on two small towns.
The origins of the projectile fight are somewhat murky, but it likely originated in the late 19th century when the island was occupied by the Ottomans.

The Symbolism of Cracking Red Eggs at Easter

On the first hours of Easter Sunday and right after “Christ has risen” we crack red eggs during dinner. This tradition-while fun as a game-has the symbolism of resurrection and new life. The egg is seen by followers of Christianity as a symbol of resurrection: while being dormant it contains a new life sealed within it.
Easter eggs are dyed red to represent the blood of Christ, shed on the Cross, and the hard shell of the egg symbolizes the sealed Tomb of Christ—the cracking of which symbolizes his resurrection from the dead.

Why We Dye Eggs Red for Easter?


For Orthodox Christians, the egg symbolizes the empty rock tomb from which Jesus Christ arose after Ηis Crucifixion. It is a universal means of greeting and presentation for Christian believers, while it also foretells the eternal life experience awaiting true believers after death.
A symbol of fertility and immortality among all nations and eras of the human civilization, the egg appears to be empty within, but life spreads out of it when a bird hatches from it. According to heathen cosmogonies, the original chaos of the world was contained in an egg, which broke into two halves, the one forming the sky and the other the earth.
But why dye the eggs red during Easter?

Holy Saturday

Holy Saturday

Holy Saturday moving feast
This is the Blessed Sabbath. The "Great and Holy Sabbath" is the day which connects Good Friday, the commemoration of the Cross, with the day of His Resurrection. To many the real nature and the meaning of this "connection", or "middle day", remains obscure. For a good majority of churchgoers, the "important" days of Holy Week are Friday and Sunday, the Cross and the Resurrection. These two days, however, remain somehow "disconnected." There is a day of sorrow, and then, there is the day of joy. In this sequence, sorrow is simply replaced by joy, but according to the teaching of the Orthodox Church, expressed in Her Liturgical tradition, the nature of this sequence is not that of a simple replacement. The Church proclaims that Christ has "trampled death by death."
It means that even before the Resurrection, an event takes place, in which the sorrow is not simply replaced by joy, but is itself transformed into joy. Great Saturday is precisely this day of transformation, the day when victory grows from inside the defeat, when before the Resurrection, we are given to contemplate the death of death itself. All this is expressed, and even more, all this really takes place every year in this marvelous morning service, in this liturgical commemoration which becomes for us a saving and transforming present.

06 March, 2012

Orthodoxy spreads to the Pacific Islands

A Drop in the Ocean: The Mission of New Zealand & Fiji

Source: Modeoflife
Not too recently, we at Mode of Life stumbled across an old 2008 Pocket Calendar/Directory of the Holy Greek Orthodox Metropolis of New Zealand and Oceania. Upon looking through this particular item we were struck by images and brief citations speaking of the efforts to establish Eastern Orthodox Christian parishes on the islands of Fiji, Samoa and Tonga. In addition to this, the calendar/directory, also noted the immense work of re-evangelising and consolidating the Orthodox communities of New Zealand, whereby there were images of the present hierarch of the Holy Metropolis, Metropolitan Amfilochios conducting fellowship and catechism groups. Naturally our interest and curiosity caused us to make inquiries about what was occurring amongst the faithful of New Zealand and what progress had been made, or plans set forth, for serving the spiritual needs of the various islands of the Pacific which fall under the appointed jurisdiction of the Metropolis.
We made our enquiries to fellow brethren within Melbourne who had either lived in New Zealand or knew something of the ecclesial situation there. They basically informed us, that the communities in New Zealand are very small and by virtue of being a minority amongst the multitudes of New Zealand society, struggled to maintain themselves or ensure their own particular cultural and spiritual identity. They nevertheless mentioned to us that with the arrival of Metropolitan Amfilochios a few years ago, he has sought to bring in new blood and ideas to help remedy the situation, while working closely with community leaders and existing clergy. Yet, as for precise details pertaining to the Orthodox of the Pacific islands, very few people were able to give us information. The most we were able to secure, was that apparently, there was a Greek man in Suva who came from Australia, and had the pious desire to build a chapel dedicated to the veneration of St Paraskevi and to the glory of God.
Furthermore we had been told that some Fijians had been sent to Greece to learn iconography, Byzantine music, the making of vestments and other liturgical items, as well as acquire some Greek to aid in any future translation works. We were told that the efforts for Samoa and Tonga had been put on hold, so that efforts could be concentrated upon Fiji so that a base can be established from which support can be extended to these other islands. However, this information still, was rather scant while our thirst to learn had not been satisfied, and so we wrote a letter to His Eminence, Metropolitan Amfilochios, so that we could have some clarification. In doing so, we hoped to learn what were the plans the Metropolis had set for our fellow Pacific Islander brethren, what had been done to meet their spiritual and physical needs, and inquire as to what help the Metropolis would require people to contribute. What we received in response to our enquiries, far exceeded our preconceived notions as to what had been done, and what was intended to be done.
Metropolitan Amfilochios’ Response
A letter dated 9 February 2012, issued from the Holy Metropolis of New Zealand and written by Metropolitan Amfilochios himself, arrived to tell us the following good news:
“It is my pleasure to tell you some of the things related to our Mission. On Fiji, some 4 years ago or more, without the Holy Metropolis knowing anyone there or knowing whether there was an Orthodox presence there, purchased some land. We discovered that there was only one Greek from Australia who resided in the capital, Suva, and he kindly gave us information regarding the socio-economic and political situation of Fiji.
However with faith and the resolve to minister to these far off places of the Pacific we went forth. At present, by the Grace of God we have our own Missionary Centre with a chapel dedicated to St Paraskevi, which is located near the airport of Nadi.
In addition to this, we had acquired land on which we established a house and a chapel dedicated to the Dormition of the Theotokos, and on the remaining vacant area of that property, we intend to construct a small Monastery.
Furthermore we have acquired land in another location in which we intend to have a presbytery (residence for the priest), a church dedicated to the Holy Trinity, as well as the construction of a school and an orphanage. In another location we have acquired land on which a presbytery and a church dedicated to St George will be built.
On Fiji’s second largest island, Vanua Levu, we had acquired land on which a chapel dedicated to Sts Athanasios and Nicholas had been built, as well as a presbytery for a residing priest.
It is intended that in future, a proper sized church shall be built to replace the existing chapel. Meanwhile, at present, we have two Sacred Baptisteries in which 82 Fijians have been baptised in, but will be receiving many more after my return to Fiji at the end of February, since there are others who have been receiving catechism and awaiting to be accepted into the Orthodox Church.
With the help of God, we took three Fijians to Greece to learn our liturgical order and traditions, and subsequently were ordained as priests, so that the mission could progress and become a truly local Orthodox community. Finally, we should also note the good news, in that the state of Fiji has officially recognised our Orthodox Church, and therefore we are allowed to work in this country within a missionary manner, with no difficulties or obstacles placed before us.
Our efforts are supported by the prayers and the love of our brother Greek Orthodox Christians in Greece and America, and lately from Australia as well. For all these we glorify the name of our Triune God, and we pray to Him to grant you and to all who are helping us his great Mercy and all His blessings.
With great love,
The Metropolitan of New Zealand, Amfilochios.”
With this letter, His Eminence had been generous enough to send us some photos of both the work in Fiji and New Zealand of which we display here, as well as the bank details for any contributions we might like to make:
Account Name: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of New Zealand & Exarchate of Oceania Trust
Bank: Westpac, Nadi, FIJI
BSB No: 039010
Account No: 9802440181
Visit the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of New Zealand website for more details at: http://www.ecp-metnz.org.nz/index.htm
We would like to thank Metropolitan Amfilochios for taking the time to respond to our enquiries, and we offer our prayers and dedicate this article to the faithful and catechumens of Fiji. May God grant you all strength, faith and provide for both your spiritual and physical needs, Amen.

30 January, 2012

Greek School and Traditional Greek Dancing for 2012

Dear Parents, Grandparents and Friends;

If we, the Greek Community of Newcastle, are serious about promoting our culture and protecting our place in history, it is important that the next generation of our families understands what it means to be a Greek/Australian. As you are all aware, our ancestors are responsible for creating moral, intellectual and political systems that have become the backbone of Western Civilization. We should all be proud of this and need to keep educating our future generations of the important role Greece has played throughout history. The best way of achieving this is to ensure that our children and grandchildren have access to Greek School.

The Holy Apostles Greek Orthodox Church of Newcastle will continue to offer free education of the Greek language and culture, designed for Greek children to practice and learn our native tongue. It gives me great pleasure to announce at this point, that for one more year we are blessed to have at our school, the good services and dedication of Mrs Nektaria Arvaniti-Dobing and Mrs Mary Calligeros. This year also, the children will have an hour a week to learn the Traditional Greek Dancing and we are pleased to announce, that Ms Anjelica Binos, a very talented young Lady, has offered her time to teach them.

Enrolment is best suited for children 6 years and above, so they are able to comprehend letters and numbers. Learning of Greek is not wholly dependent on 4 hours a week at the ”Greek School”, It is also advised that parents, guardians and grandparents are involved with the School work, as it motivates the students to increase their learning and become more enthusiastic about their studies. The Greek language is not as simple as other languages and we must be dedicated in it preservation, for it does not only hold sentimental value of our origins and culture, but it is an extra qualification and aid in our children’s future in the multicultural society we live in.

The Greek School will be on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4pm – 6pm and all parents are welcome to stay and help out, if that suits. The children will be encouraged to embrace their Greek heritage and all students will participate in celebrating our National and Religious Days of importance.

Registrations will be taken from Monday 6 February to Friday 10 of February between 4pm and 5pm at the Community Centre or by calling 4961 1439 or 49612 333. Lessons will commence on Monday 13 February 2012 at 4pm.

On Sunday the 12th of February the Divine Liturgy will be dedicated to Children, parents grandparents and Teachers. All are invited to attend and the children to be prepared to receive holy Communion. After the Service and about 11am the Service of the "blessing of the New School Year" will take place at the Church. In conclusion please remember, that to deny our Children of their heritage, is like depriving them of their future. Please help us to help our Children to learn Greek and to understand and love their Traditions and Heritage.

Newcastle January 26, 2012

Fr Nicholas Scordilis (Rector)
Frank Marks (President)

10 January, 2012

Θεοφάνεια στο NEWCASTLE

Με παραδειγματική τάξη και ευλάβεια, πλήθη πιστών κατέκλυσαν από ενωρίς τον Ιερό Ναό των Αγίων Αποστόλων για να παρακολουθήσουν την πανηγυρική Θεία Λειτουργία της Κυριακής 8ης του μηνός Ιανουαρίου. Με την ίδια τάξη και ευλάβεια, μετα την Θεία Λειτουργία, όλοι μετακινήθηκαν με διάφορα μέσα, στην Ιστορική Τοποθεσία, του Ειρηνικού Ωκεανου, γνωστή ως Bogie Hole, για την Τελετη της Καταδύσεως του Τιμίου Σταυρού στην θάλασσα.

Εντύπωση προκάλεσε στα Μέσα Μαζικης Ενημέρωσης, στους Σταθμούς της τοπικής Τηλεόρασης και στις Αγγλόφωνες Εφημερίδες, το πλήθος που περευρέθηκε στην Τελετή, και με πολύ κολακευτικά σχόλια για την Ορθοδοξία και τον Ελληνισμό αναφέρθηκαν στην μοναδική αυτή Τελετή της Εκκησίας μας. Αξίζει να σημειωθεί, ότι ενώ η περιοχή του Bogie Hole, είναι ακόμη κλειστή για το κοινό, εν τούτοις, τόσο η Δημαρχία της Πόλης, όσο και το Υπουργείον Γαιών, the Department of Lands, επέτρεψαν και παλιν εφέτος την Τελετή, και έστειλαν στην περιοχή υπεύθυνο προσωπικό για να διευκολύνουν την προσέλευση του κόσμου.

Τον Τίμιο Στααυρό από την θάλασσα, ανέσυρε, για δεύτερη φορά εφέτος, ο νεαρός Παναγιώτης Τσέρος, εγγονός των αείμνηστων Παναγιώτη και Παρασκευής Τσέρου, που ο θάνατος τους άφησε τόσο μεγάλο καινό, στη ζωή της Παροικίας μας. Προς τον νεαρό Παναγιώτη, ο Πρόεδρος της Κοινότητος προσέφερε ασημένιο επιστήθιο Σταυρό, σε όλους δε τους νέους που βούτηξαν στη θάλασσα, αναμνηστικούς Σταυρούς από την Ιερά μας Αρχιεπισκοπή.

  ο π. Νικόλαος ετοιμάζεται να ρίξει τον Τίμιο Σταυρό στα νερά του Bogie Hole

o νεαρός Παναγιωτης Τσέρος παραδίδει τον Σταυρό στον π. Νικόλαο και δέχεται τις ευλογίες του.

Αναμνηστική φωτογραφία όλων των νέων που έπεσαν στην θάλασσα.

o π. Νικόλαος με δημοσιογράφο του Newcastle Morning Herald.